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Painting Your Rooms With a Paint Brand Like Valspar

Posted by Matt Woods on Thu, Aug 15, 2013 @ 09:09 PM

Painting Your Rooms With a Paint Brand Like Valspar

Posted by Matt Woods on Thu, Aug 15, 2013 @ 09:09 PM

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Are you thinking about painting a room in your house or maybe multiple rooms? Dreading the thought? With a good quality paint like Valspar, painting does not have to take over your least for long.

There is a reason there are such differences in paint prices. It all comes down to quality. With a cheaper paint you get less high quality components like binders and drying agents. What you do get are more dilution with solvents which leads to less even color. 

Acme Lock and Hardware

Higher grade paints like Valspar provide better coverage because they don't skip on things like titanium. This helps conceal better and gives better coverage. Where you might use three coats to adequately cover a wall with cheap paint, a better quality paint will require one. When using a paintbrush in tight corners, there won't be brush marks either. Not to mention things like the addition of antispattering agents is also a big plus.

Do remember before beginning your painting project to do your prep work. Surface prep can make all the difference in a good paint job. Scrape off any peeling paint, use putty to fill holes and blemishes, and sand any uneven areas or shiny areas with fine sandpaper. 

Valspar CincinnatiGood tools are important as well. Good quality brushes and rollers are essential, and brushes made with natural fibers typically work better. Make sure to have pans, rags, gloves, drop cloths, a ladder, screwdrivers, masking tape, sandpaper, filler and a putty knife handy.

You can find your perfect color of Valspar paint and all your supplies at Acme Lock and Hardware. Feel free to contact us

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